Custom Loading Screens

From PBnWModdingWIKI

First, download this image as a template, if you want to stick to the B&W2 theme:


I know it's huge, sorry

Next, open it up in image editing software (eg Photoshop, Gimp, etc) and stick a screenshot on. Put a few filters on, fliddle around with the image a bit... you know the drill. Something like this:


Then, save as a bitmap with the name: load_screen_<mapnumber>.bmp. (eg, load_screen_2454.bmp)

Copy and paste this file into the Program Files/Black and White 2/Data directory. Then, when you load the appropriately numbered map, your load screen will appear. Simple, neh?

Note: maps need to be named Land<mapnumber> for this to work (eg, Land2454.bwe)