Creature Scripts
From PBnWModdingWIKI
This one will create a creature of the specified alignment and size and assign it to the specified player.
If the town specified doesn't have a creature pen the creature will be created near the town center. 00din
// Creates a creature in the specified town and assigns it to the player who controls that town. // - nTown: The creature will be created in the pen in the town specified. // If no pen exists in that town the creature will be created at the town center. // - nCreatureType: 0=Ape, 1=Cow, 2=Tiger, 3=Wolf, 4=Lion, 5=Gorilla. Any other value results in a lion. // - nSize: The starting size of the creature. Baby size: 0.35, Max size: 1.0 // - nAlignment: The starting alignment of the creature. Evil: -1.0, Good: 1.0 begin script CreateCreatureInTown(nTown, nCreatureType, nSize, nAlignment) oTown = get town with id nTown oPen = get building ABODE_NUMBER_CREATURE_PEN in oTown min built 1.0 nPlayer = get oTown player oCreature = 0 lPos = 0 start if oPen exists lPos = marker at {oPen} else lPos = marker at {oTown}+{20,0,0} end if if nCreatureType == 0 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_APE at {lPos} elsif nCreatureType == 1 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_COW at {lPos} elsif nCreatureType == 2 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_TIGER at {lPos} elsif nCreatureType == 3 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_WOLF at {lPos} elsif nCreatureType == 4 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_LION at {lPos} elsif nCreatureType == 5 oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_GORILLA at {lPos} else oCreature = create SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE CREATURE_TYPE_LION at {lPos} end if //set creature oCreature hair length 2.0 set creature oChosenCreature happiness to maximum set creature oCreature CREATURE_SCRIPT_TRANSITIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SIZE nSize set creature oCreature CREATURE_SCRIPT_TRANSITIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ALIGNMENT nAlignment if nPlayer < 0 nPlayer = 0 elsif nPlayer > 7 nPlayer = 7 end if set player nPlayer creature to oCreature release oCreature end script CreateCreatureInTown